Four Easy Things That Should Be Checked On Your
(otherwise known as Al's pet peeves)
Check your serial number - I am constantly amazed at how many
vintage cars I look at have an incorrect serial number on the ownership. I would
say it comes in at around 5%. In most cases it is an innocent typo, but
still should be corrected. Find your serial number on the car, write it down and
then compare it to the ownership. If there is a discrepancy, I and other members
of P.A.V.E can fill out
V.I.N. verification forms that are accepted at all ministry offices. If this is
not feasible, check with your
local MTO office to see what they need to have it corrected. Later cars with the 17 digit V.I.N. system (1981
on) are not prone to these problems as there is a "check digit" in the V.I.N.
which will expose any typos. However, still check! Vehicles that were not sold
in North America, or modern kit cars may have a 17 digit V.I.N. but there is no
"Check Digit".
Tie your battery down - Again, I am amazed at how many antique
cars are running around with a loose battery under the hood. If someone asked
you to carry around a container of acid loose in your engine compartment, would
you? Most original style battery retaining systems are available and at worst an
aftermarket system could be employed. Please, no bungee cords!
3) Take a good look at your headlights - Are they straight? Securely
mounted? Do they match? I see many vintage cars running one modern halogen light
and one standard bulb. Original lights can be found at swap meets and are
a nice touch on a restored car but they won't perform as well as modern
halogens. That is an original Lucas sealed beam on my Spitfire. I've managed to
round up 15 of these lights in my travels so I'm good to buy 7 more British
What kind of radiator cap do you have? - OK, this may seem trivial
but, in my opinion, generic aftermarket radiator caps look horrible on a
vintage car. Though small, it is front and centre when you open your hood. OEM rad caps are available for almost every car, many directly from the dealership
still. They just look "right" and don't stick out like a sore thumb like the
aftermarket ones do. That's an OEM Unipart rad cap on my Spitfire.
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